“They refused, because we weren’t legally married. So bills I had of his, in both our names, ended up being my sole responsibility. It was only a $1,500 check, but still.
“They had Terry Taylor call me and tell me that. So he basically broke his ankle and died for free. They sent the check in his name, which I couldn’t endorse and deposit. When I asked them to cut me a new check in my name, they said no.”
The last know approach from TNA to Sytch was back in 2008 when she was being provisionally pitched as an onscreen love interest for Jeff Jarrett, however that was vetoed by a TNA higher-up who insisted the former Sunny ‘Would not work in TNA’.
The former manager and pin-up has now turned her life around after a few wilderness years which hampered her in-ring career and is back appearing at conventions and independent shows across the United States.